Impossible not to adore.

Image by Lars Thornhill

Image by Mihaela Bodlovic

Image by Beth Chamberlain
Magnificent brains.

Felix grew up in an area just to the east of the centre of Brussels. Attending both Belgian and international schools, he was bilingual English/French from a young age. As a teenager, he was often found listening to cassettes of old UK audio dramas and comedies.
At 18, he moved to the UK to study at the universities of Edinburgh and Warwick, before training as an actor
at Drama Studio London.
Working Actor
Felix' first ten years as a professional actor and voice actor happened mostly in London, slightly in Paris. He worked on classical theatre and new writing on stage in London and Edinburgh, adverts, short films, and TV dramas and comedies for the BBC and Channel 4.
In 2012, he picked up his first regular role as Phil Cheeseman in the internationally beloved running app, Zombies, Run!
In 2014, he began working on a short film project that never happened but provided the seeds of a podcast idea: a sitcom about rival funeral directors.
Wooden Overcoats finished after four seasons, dozens of plaudits, and a Best Fiction gold award from the British Podcast Awards 2023.
Felix is now frequently heard in podcasts and audio dramas around the world. He spends an unhealthy amount of time thinking and writing about the craft of acting.
He lives on a boat in London where he spends most of his time trying to not sink.